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Main partners of the museum:

The Memories of the Gulag and Their Authors database is now on a new website

by Sergei Shestakov

The initiators of the “Воспоминания о ГУЛАГе и их авторы” [Memories of the Gulag and Their Authors] project have presented a new website and an updated database. The first version of the website is now available to users at the following link: https://vgulage.name/.

“Воспоминания о ГУЛАГе и их авторы” is the largest electronic library that contains biographies of over four thousand camp prisoners and victims of Soviet terror, bibliographic data on seven and a half thousand publications, as well as nearly two thousand memoir texts.

Previously, the database was developed by the Sakharov Center, which was included in the registry of non-profit organizations performing the functions of a foreign agent. Now the project operates independently and serves as a tool for researching the social, political, and cultural history of the USSR.

The “Воспоминания о ГУЛАГе и их авторы” team is actively working on expanding the platform and its functionality. The Perm-36 editorial invites you to participate in testing the website of our talented colleagues and contribute to the improvement of their project.