Main partners of the museum:

«International Memorial»* received the Mauthausen Komitee Award

by Sergei Shestakov

Photo by Hans Maršálek-Preis 2022 © Parlamentsdirektion / Johannes Zinner


The Hans Marschaleck Award for outstanding achievements in the fields of commemoration, remembrance and awareness raising was presented in Austria last Wednesday. The «International Memorial’s» activity of creation a digital archive of the history of repression was one of the 27 best projects and was awarded the prize.

Between 2014 and 2022, «International Memorial»* staff and volunteers digitised documents and testimonies related to forced labour and the history of the Ostalbaiters. Three major projects were carried out: Collection of documents of the Ostarbeiter; Archival lists of deportees; Oral history of prisoners of war and Ostarbeiters in biographical interviews.

«Memorial’s» staff highlights the importance of each project and reports that a huge number of archival documents have become accessible to a wide audience as a result of these activities.


* On 28 February, International Memorial was liquidated in Russia by court order.